Category Archives: Article writing

How to Make Money Writing Magazine Articles

How to Make Money Writing Magazine Articles

How to make money writing magazine articles article post provides information on how to get started writing for magazines.

Are you looking to make money writing articles? If you are, many might assume that you want to write articles that can be viewed online. You may, however, have other ideas. One of those ideas may involve writing magazine articles.

How to make money writing magazine articles

If you are new to writing magazine articles, you may be looking for helpful tips. First, it is important to research before you write. This research can easily be done online, with a standard internet search, or by purchasing a copy of the Writer’s Market books. These books outline paying publications, including magazines, and their expectations.

How to make money writing magazine articles genres.

As for the importance of research, it can save you time and money. Magazines specialize in a number of different genres; determine what these genres are ahead of time. You need to find the magazines that would be the perfect fit for your article. Research can also increase your chances of getting published, as many publishing companies specifically outline what they are looking for and what they are not.

Once you have decided which magazines you would like to write an article for submission, buy copies of that magazine. At the very least, see if magazine articles are available on the company’s website for viewing. It is not uncommon for a particular magazine to have a specific style of writing that it follows. Make sure your article is unique, but follows the same the writing style.

How to make money writing magazine articles in specific niches.

Another way to improve your chances of getting a magazine article published is to choose the topic of your article wisely. Write on a topic that you have a great interest in or one that you are passionate about. When a topic “tugs at your heart,” your article is likely to be more involved and of better quality. Also, write on a topic that you are educated on. Are you an individual with a teaching background? If so, use your background to write informative pieces on education, and so forth. Many professional publishing companies not only want quality articles, but articles that are backed with facts, figures, and knowledge.

Setting realistic goals for yourself is important. If you are new to freelance writing, don’t expect to see your article accepted and published the first time around. Yes, you want to aim high, but do not let a rejection letter bring you down. Instead, use it to improve your article writing quality.

How to make money writing magazine articles online.

Another easy way to improve your chances of getting a magazine article published is to get published online first. Many publishing companies ask to see samples of your previous work, want a summary of your work experience, or ask for references. Having content published online, even if it is only on a personal website or blog, can help to make you appear as an “experienced,” writer. Namely, one that can bring something to the magazine. For the best success, target websites that are known as Ezines, as they are online magazines.

When submitting an article for submission, it is important to follow all directions given you. As stated above, most publishing companies will tell you what they want or don’t want. Can you submit the full article or are proposals requested? Should you double space or single space your article? Are samples of prior work published needed? Always submit articles for submission as they are requested. This alone significantly improves your chances of getting published.

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Article writing ideas

Article writing ideas: The pros and cons of outsourcing

Article writing ideas are important fro fresh content, like fish in a pond that need oxygen to survive, so is fresh content to readers, there needs to be a constant supply of fresh reading content.  Are you an article writer? If you are, you may prefer writing your own articles; however, there may come a point in time when outsourcing crosses your mind. When you outsource your article writing projects, you allow another writer to do the job for you. In turn, you will pay that writer.

As great as outsourcing is, is it the best decision for you? This is a choice that you will have to make on your own. Before making that decision, you should examine the many pros and cons of outsourcing.

Article writing ideas with others support

The biggest pro or plus side to outsourcing is that it can help you when you are in pinch. Are you working on a project with a strict deadline that you just cannot meet? Were you denied a deadline extension or are you afraid to ask for one? Are you sick or did a family emergency come up? If you cannot complete an assigned project on time, outsourcing can save you time, money, and embarrassment.

Outsourcing can also allow you to pursue other article moneymaking opportunities. Are you in the process of generating passive income through your own content filled websites and blogs? Do you have so many ideas that you just can’t seem to find the time to set them all in motion? If so, you may want to outsource your work. Outsourcing is easier when the articles written are for your own personal use.

Although getting help in an emergency situation and having time to focus on other moneymaking opportunities is nice, outsourcing also has its downsides. If you are working with a client, do they have strict rules on outsourcing? Is it prohibited? If you do not know, ask first. Yes, your client may never know that you outsourced their project to another writer, but are you willing to take the risk?

Article writing ideas and finding a quality outsource

Finding a quality outsource can be hard because it is a decision that should not be made on a whim. Never just take someone’s word that they are a good article writer. Ask to see samples of their work, preferably samples with their name attached. As a writer, you may know that many writers work as ghostwriters. For that reason, you may have to accept samples without an author’s name attached to the work, but use these articles as a last resort.

And, there is always that worst case scenario where you aren’t provided with unique articles. This can be embarrassing and harmful to your career if you outsourced articles that you were paid to write. Most website owners will perform a copyright check. There is nothing worse than learning the articles you turned into your client, which you actually paid someone else to write, were copied from the internet. For that reason, always check yourself first.

In addition to verifying that the articles your outsource provided you with are unique, proofread all articles. Even the best writers can make mistakes from time to time, but an extra proofreading can reduce or completely eliminate those mistakes. Remember, if you are turning the outsourced articles into a client of yours, your name and reputation will be on the line.

As outlined above, outsourcing has its pros and cons. Many writers only use outsourcing as a last resort, but you can use it and possibly profit from it anyway that you see fit.

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