“A good New Year, with many blessings in it!” Once more go forth the kindly wish and word. A good New Year! and may we all begin it With hearts by noble thought and purpose stirred.
The Old Year’s over, with its joy and sadness; The path before us is untried and dim; But let us take it with the step of gladness, For God is there, and we can trust in Him.
What of the buried hopes that lie behind us! Their graves may yet grow flowers, so let them rest. To-day is ours, and it must find us Prepared to hope afresh and do our best.
God knows what finite wisdom only guesses; Not here from our dim eyes the mist will roll. What we call failures, He may deem successes Who sees in broken parts the perfect whole.
And if we miss some dear familiar faces, Passed on before us to the Home above, Even while we count, through tears, their vacant places, He heals our sorrows with His balm of Love.
No human lot is free from cares and crosses, Each passing year will bring both shine and shower; Yet, though on troubled seas life’s vessel tosses, The storms of earth endure but for an hour.
And should the river of our happy laughter Flow ‘neath a sky no cloud yet overcasts, We will not fear the shadows coming after, But make the most of sunshine while it lasts.
A good New Year! Oh, let us all begin it With cheerful faces turning to the light! A good New Year, which will have blessings in it If we but persevere and do aright.
Attempt to bring the perpetrators of war against peace to Justice at the Nuremberg International Tribunal.
The Nuremberg Charter strictly limited the court’s jurisdiction to the Axis powers in Europe because the Allies did not want to have to answer to an international court. In response to accusations of victor’s Justice, the non-Soviet judges worked to ensure procedural safeguards for the accused.
The International Military Tribunal was opened on November 19 1945 in the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg.
The first session was presided over by the Soviet judge, Nikitchenko. The prosecution entered indictments against 24 major war criminals and seven organizations – the leadership of the Nazi party, the Reich Cabinet, the Schutzstaffel (SS), Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the Gestapo, the Sturmabteilung (SA) and the “General Staff and High Command”, comprising several categories of senior military officers. These organizations were to be declared “criminal” if found guilty.
Soviet Union Pact of Aggression with Adolf Hitler was suppressed. The genocide of the Polish nationals by the Soviet secret police was denied by the Soviet delegation at Nuremberg.
The Soviet war crimes from 1939-1945 were as guilty as Nazi Germany’s deeds in the Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact, yet the Soviet leadership suppressed it.
Western leaders let Stalin off the hook of accountability.
The Soviet-Russia leadership’s lack of moral accountability to moral law would boomerang back to the Western leaders again and again.
During the cold war,
Korean war,
Cuba crises,
Syria war,
Crimea and
East Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
The Russian leadership has never come clean from the war crimes of the Soviet Union; that is precisely why the Russian leadership plans to take action like criminals,
Completely ignoring International law.
Nuremberg Trials 1945 was the International Tribunal for the crimes committed between 1939 and 1945, Nazi Germany & Soviet Union waged wars of aggression across Europe, invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Low Countries, France, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, and the Soviet Union.
International Law
Unlike crimes against humanity and war crimes, aggression had not been illegal in international law before World War II.[citation needed] In early 1942, representatives of several governments-in-exile joined together to demand an international court to try the Axis crimes committed in occupied countries. The United States and the United Kingdom refused to endorse this proposal, considering the failure of war crimes prosecutions after World War I.
During the war, Soviet criminologist Aron Trainin developed the concept of crime of aggression which was used at Nuremberg.
The Soviet Union wanted to hold a show trial similar to the Moscow trials in order to demonstrate the Nazi leaders’ guilt and build a case for war reparations necessary to rebuild the Soviet economy, which had been devastated by the war.
Of all the Allies, the Soviet Union lobbied most intensely for trying the defeated German leaders for aggression in addition to war crimes. However, by early 1945, both the Soviet Union and the United States favored such a trial. Contrary to Soviet expectations, the United States successfully ensured procedural safeguards for the accused.
Nuremberg Prosecutors
The Nuremberg prosecutors decided to commit crimes against peace, a separate charge from crimes against peace. They also expanded this conspiracy to include conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Following the definition of the crimes laid out in the Charter, however, the IMT rejected the prosecutors’ charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The indictment used a new legal term: genocide. The word had been coined just one year earlier by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish international law expert. Under the charge of war crimes, the indictment described the “murder and ill-treatment of civilians” committed by the defendants as “deliberate and systematic genocide, viz., the extermination of racial and national groups.” The IMT prosecutors repeatedly employed the term genocide during the trial, but the judges did not adopt it in their verdict.
Bucharest People’s Tribunal International Military Tribunal for the Far East Khabarovsk War Crime Trials
Austrian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian World War II portal (Axis-War-Crimes, 1945)
The war-responsibility trials in Finland were trials of the Finnish wartime leaders held responsible by the allied force’s viewpoint and opinion for “definitely influencing Finland in getting into a war with the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom in 1941 or preventing peace.
” From 1941 to 1945, England, France, and the USA were complicit in the conspiracy, war crimes, and genocide that the Soviet Russian leaders committed during the Molotov & Ribbentrop pact 1939-40.
Instead of taking Soviet Stalin to an International court of law for the crimes against humanity (Genocide against Polish Nationals 1940) The Allied forces invited Stalin into their “club” and called Stalin “Good Old Joe.”
The Brits should have stayed at home eating their own homemade fish and chips on their own home island, away from their usual ambitious, provocative invasions, colony expansions and warmongering the local peoples, as in the Nordic region 1918 and 1941-45.
The government leaders of Finland were responsible for defending Finland from the Bolshevik dictator Stalin and his State Atheism totalitarian military leaders, who conspired from 1939 to 1941 with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime to exploit the Baltic States and Finland.
There was nothing irresponsible about the leaders of Finland from 1917 to 1945 when they were fighting on the right side of the Spirit of the Natural Law.
It was Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin that were doing violence to the Spirit of the Natural Law, from 1939 to 1945.
The allied leaders were weak and immoral for perverting the cause of Justice; they skewed reality tried to redefine Truth, Justice, and world history while justifying their own political imperialism and nationalistic ambitions.
They used Adolf Hitler and the Nazi war crimes to leverage themselves upwards into self-righteousness. And celebrated with one of the worst war criminals of World War 2, Joseph Stalin, their imperial victor’s Justice. Protecting and defending the war criminal Joseph Stalin from 1941 to 1953.
During that time, Stalin and the Soviet Union were committing war crimes against innocent people. The Allied forces victor’s Justice made them further proud of self, their ears were not open to truth, nor their eyes could see the truth and reality from the East European perspective.
It was not the government leaders of Finland that were irresponsible between 1917 to 1945. How ignorant and stupid can they get? Claiming to be on the right side of the Spirit of the law, while they are full of imperial bigotry.
The Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin was protected and given favoritism regardless of all the war crimes that he was guilty of. Why the obvious hypocrisy?
Were the British and Americans so gutless with the court of the law that they had their tail between their legs when Stalin was around? What happened to the principles of the Rule of Law based on the Spirit of the Natural Law?
Representing the Spirit of True Justice?
In the minds of the Allies victors, it was no longer valid, they had achieved their objectives, and they were then playing the role of gods according to their own nationalistic interests.
Their worldview was black and white; the devil of their mind was slain with Hitler and the Nazi war criminals. They did not see their own corruption being used by the same force that had worked Stalin from early 1900 to 1939. The same Spirit with Hitler destroyed millions of innocent lives in East Europe.
The Allied forces did not see their own wrongs; they did not listen or see the obvious truth; they patronized the Soviets leaders regardless of the crimes that they had committed between 1939 to 1945.
The Allied victors were also corrupted; they blended their own nationalistic politics with moral laws. In their own mind, they thought they were morally upright. Still, they were just playing their own political game for their own nationalistic advantage. But they only saw the world through their own short-sighted political colored lenses.
And others did not have the same rights because of their own biases; they saw themselves as being morally on high ground, beyond the “evildoers.” Therefore, they skewed the truth in history; they misrepresented the Spirit of the Natural Law.
They did not defend or speak up for the Spirit of The Natural Law with those fighting against the Spirit of Satan in Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union state atheism totalitarian regime. They failed to represent True Justice.
They cowered and did not want to offend Stalin’s will and territorial ambitions by questioning the Russian role in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression.
Katyn Forest Massacre 1940
The Soviet leadership committed severe war crimes, including the genocide of Polish nationals, at the Katyn Forest Massacre, murdering 22,000 POWs and civilians in 1940. Also exploited the people of several Baltic States in East Europe.
There was tangible evidence presented of the Katyn forest massacre of the Allied forces; Roosevelt repressed it based on Utilitarianism. Others did not want to think about it. The Soviet prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials tried to offload the 1940 Katyn forest massacre as war crimes onto the Nazi officers. Still, the German military forces had provided sufficient evidence by then of the truth to the Red Cross.
The Allies members (except Russia) rejected the false claims. Therefore, the False Soviet documents were rejected. But nothing is done to defend the Spirit of the Natural law. Nothing was said to defend the cause of the innocent that died due to the Soviet role in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression 1939 – 1941.
“The chief Soviet prosecutor submitted false documentation in an attempt to indict defendants for the murder of thousands of Polish officers in the Katyn forest near Smolensk. However, the other Allied prosecutors refused to support the indictment, and German lawyers promised to mount an embarrassing defense.
No one was charged or found guilty at Nuremberg for the Katyn Forest massacre. In 1990, the Soviet government acknowledged that the Katyn massacre was carried out, not by the Germans, but by the Soviet secret police.” (Nuremberg-1945, Nuremberg trials, 1945)
Double standards, with false accusations made against the government leaders of Finland. Even the name used in the proposition, in the context of 1939-1945, has fabricated a lie. A sure sign of the Nemesis, using the political influence and the military power of the Allied forces to push false accusations onto innocent victims.
“A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight.”
Proverb 11: 1 . Satan’s tactics have common characteristics as a deceiver of truth.
The Holy Bible says this.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5: 20. ( 500 BC)
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Thank you for visiting Kirjoitus Vinkki website and reading this DYNAMICS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW & MILITARY TRIBUNAL 2022 article post. We hope it was helpful, useful and practical. For more similar articles please do visit http://arcticfreshwater.net/ website.
Finding the right freelance writer to produce your revenue generating articles can be a long search, however, if you find one that can easily take on another regular client and the two of you work well together, then that one difficult search will turn into a lot of helpful articles.
When you start your search, you may want to begin with a tiny group of articles, just in case you happen to hook up with a writer that you are less than thrilled. It is essential to keep in mind that there are several different types of writing, and each writer might be highly skilled in one area, yet lack in another.
For example, there are:
creative/fiction writing,
biographical writing,
news writing,
general informational article writing,
critical writing,
poem/verse writing,
technical writing,
medical writing,
essay/report writing,
and sports writing.
Although a writer may be highly skilled in one area, many freelance writers spread themselves out into other areas as well. So, it is critical that the writer you choose can produce the type of content that you need.
To find a freelance writer, you can look at various freelancing websites that will allow you to post the specification of your project and your budget.
From there, writers will make bids on your project and provide you with writing samples so that you can get an idea of their skill level.
Make sure that you choose a writer who gives you a sample of the type of article that you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a copy-writer, do not hire someone who only sent you sports writing sample. He or she may be an outstanding sports writer, but copy-writing is about selling (a product, service, or yourself) to your website visitors.
In conclusion, the more you are willing to pay per article, the more bids you will get from quality writers who know how to entertain and inform your website visitors so that they keep coming back for more.
Writers know that you will eventually make a ton of money off of each article or content piece. So although $30 or more for a 500-word article may seem like a lot, when you think about the service they are providing you and the time and effort that they put into your piece, then you will realize that it is not a lot for that one article. If you pay for quality, you will be amazed at how much you will eventually make off of your articles.
Thank you for visiting www.kirjoitusvinkki.fi website.
Popular New Years Resolution for 2020 are the most advantageous ones, that improve ones management of life.
Each year, many
individuals create New Year’s resolutions.
These resolutions are goals that the wisher hopes to achieve. Each individual creates an aim that can
benefit him or her or improve his or her life in one way or another. Although New Year’s resolutions are tailored
to the individual in question, there are many common goals set at the first of
the year. What are they?
To lose
weight. Weight loss is by far one of the
most popular New Year’s resolutions.
Part of this is because many Americans are overweight and obese. Still, even those who are in good health make
the resolution to lose weight because they want to be perfect. Regardless of your reason for wanting to lose
weight, know that you are not alone.
Although weight
loss is a popular New Year’s resolution, it is also the resolution most
commonly given up on. If you genuinely
want to lose weight, know you will experience ups and downs. You will not lose weight immediately. For many, it is easy to lose weight, but hard
to keep it off. The best way to turn
your New Year’s resolution into a reality is to not just focus on weight loss,
but the components of it, such as diet and exercise.
To get out of
debt. Debt is a problem that many
Americans face. As many find themselves
unemployed or with reduced hours, more individuals are turning to credit cards
to pay their bills and survive. This
results in debt. If you are not in debt,
make your New Year’s resolution to avoid it.
If you are in debt, start digging your way out and know that you are not
If you want to get
out of debt this year, you will want to take it one step at a time. Those with over $10,000 in debt often get overwhelmed
and stop trying. Do not let this
happen. When you rid yourself of debt,
it will literally feel as if a high weight has been lifted off your
shoulders. So, reduce your spending,
save money, and apply it towards your debt.
When doing so, pay off all secured debts first.
To get organized.
Being organized is
another popular New Year’s resolution.
Most Westerners lead
hectic lives. Many have demanding jobs
with long hours or children who participate in extracurricular activities. With limited free time, it is easy for a home
or office to become overrun and cluttered.
That is why many make the resolution to get organized. The good news is that it is relatively easy
to do.
If your New Year’s
resolution is to get organized, also incorporate cleaning. For example, sort and file all papers on your
desk, but scrub it first. If your decision
is to organize your entire home, take it one step at a time so that you do not
get overwhelmed. For example, start with
your kitchen then move to the living room and so forth.
To find a new
job. A large number of Westerners are
stuck in a job they don’t like. Of
course, it is vital to get the bills paid, but you should be doing something
you love. For that reason, join the
crowd and make the resolution to find a job that not only pays the bills but
makes you happy.
To get a raise. As previously stated, finding a new job is a popular New Year’s resolution. If you are pleased with your job, you may not want to change it, but you may want more money. When it comes to getting a raise, you have several options. You can ask or you can wait and see. If raises are based on performance reviews, don’t ask. Instead, improve your productivity at work. Meet all deadlines, extend help to coworkers, volunteer for additional projects, and so forth. The extra money in your paycheck will soon fall into place.
Thank you for visiting http://kirjoitusvinkki.fi website and reading this Popular New Years Resolution for 2020 article post. Happy New Year 2020. For more related articles visit www.BestDecision Coach.com
Is your New
Year’s resolution to clean your home? If
so, you want to do more than just pick up, but do an extensive clean. While it will take more time, it will result
in a spotless house, not just a quick
clean house. So, what should you do?
Clean your walls.
It is incredible how much dirt, grime, and dust a wall accumulates. To get started, take a broom or vacuum cleaner to all cobwebs. Then, start scrubbing the walls. Unless covered in grime, a quick scrubbing will do. An easy step is to use a Swiffer Sweeper. Attach a cleaning strip and go to town. This makes it easy to get those hard to reach places.
Move your appliances and clean
When doing so, it is important to target both large and small devices. In your kitchen, get help and pull out your refrigerator. Clean underneath it. Don’t forget to clean the inside and outside too. Also, remember the small appliances. Shake all the crumbs from your toaster and clean the counter underneath. Also, get the appliances in other rooms, such as computers, TVs, satellite receivers, and so forth.
Clean your medicine cabinet
First, pull out all items and give your medicine cabinet a good scrub both inside and out. Before putting medicine and first aid supplies back, check expiration dates. Throw away anything that has expired. Also, take an inventory count. All homes should have first aid supplies, including bandages. Make a note of what you need to buy.
First, pull out all items and give your medicine cabinet a good scrub both inside and out. Before putting medicine and first aid supplies back, check expiration dates. Throw away anything that has expired. Also, take an inventory count. All homes should have first aid supplies, including bandages. Make a note of what you need to buy.
Clean your cupboards
For the most part, food cupboards are clean, but it is easy for dust to accumulate or for food packages to spill. So, pull everything out. Scrub the inside and start putting food back in. When doing so, look at what you have. Toss any food with expired expiration dates. Move foods with close expiration dates to the front. Donate any unopened, salvageable foods that you do not want to a local food bank.
Clean your refrigerator and freezer
As previously stated, you should clean underneath and outside of your fridge, but don’t forget the inside. Although hidden from the view of most guests, a clean home means a clean fridge. Don’t forget your freezer too. Even small freezers need a good clean, as small items occasionally get lost in the shuffle. Pull all things out of your freezer and refrigerator and scrub. Throw away anything that is old, expired, or has been open too long. Put all foods you want to save back inside.
Sort through your linen closet
Pull everything from the closet. Vacuum or sweep the floor and then wipe down all shelves. Before putting items back inside, examine them. If you can afford to buy new towels or sheets, throw away the ones that are old, tattered, or ripped. Repeat the same process with each of your closets. Always vacuum or sweep the floor, wipe down all shelves, and do not keep anything you do not need.
Clean your computer
As suggested above, you should clean around and underneath your computer, but clean it too. This is a small, but important step because most people do not realize how dirty their computers are. If you eat or drink at yours, you may have a bigger mess. Wipe down all computer screens carefully. Use a disinfecting wipe to clean the keyboard. Speaking of keyboards, shake it upside down or purchase a small air compressor designed for keyboard cleaning.
As previously
stated, you are encouraged to look at what you have in your home when
cleaning. Why put an old jacket back in
your closet if you haven’t worn it in five years? In most instances, it is easier to throw away
items you no longer need, but consider
donating when possible.
In short, if your New Year’s resolution is a clean home, you have a lot of work ahead. Instead of just vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting, take the time to do it right. By implanting a few of the above-mentioned steps, you will not just have a home that looks clean, but a home that indeed is clean.
Writing from home is the fastest growing career today. Being a freelance writer has traditionally been a work at home job, and now that working at home is becoming more popular, there have been more writers in the industry. If you like to write and have a good grasp of the English language, you will never be at a loss for the work at home writing jobs.
Starting your career as a work at home writer is as easy as doing some Internet research and applying for a job. There are many ways to break into the writing field, even if you have no previous experience. Online opportunities abound, and there are still many writers who stay exclusively in the print market.
While many writers dream of one day writing the great American novel, most writers are realistic in knowing that they are going to have to do some other types of writing to get paid on a consistent basis. Writing for pay is mostly if not exclusively, done in the non-fiction genre. While occasionally you will find contests for fiction writing or for poetry, these opportunities are few and far between when compared to the non-fiction opportunities.
Stay focused by concentrating on the task at hand
Turn your Writing to a Work from Home Business Explained
Writing from home as a Wahm requires that you have a reliable Internet connection, good written communication skills and the ability to be a self-starter. As a writer, you will be in charge of your time and your projects. There will always be deadlines to meet and new writing opportunities to try. You will be responsible for balancing your writing with the rest of your life. You must also have the ability to research a wide variety of topics. As you accept assignments, you’ll be challenged to learn about and write about topics that you may have little experience in.
Freelance writing from home can break down into three specific areas: writing for print, writing for the web and blogging. Although blogging is technically writing for the web, there are many distinctions that make it different from other web writing opportunities.
Writing for print is what people generally think of when they hear the term “freelance writer.” Wahm writers who write for the print markets need to first build a reputation as a reliable and eloquent writer. If you’ve never written for the print markets before, start with smaller, local publications and then work from there. You’ll need to find a list of publications that are accepting “queries.” Queries are a combination of a letter of introduction and a pitch for a story idea. Most writers rely on the Writer’s Market reference guide for lists of publications. The Writer’s Market has comprehensive information on a variety of newsletters, magazines and other publications that are taking queries. Start with topics that you know the most about and try writing a few queries to get yourself going in the print market.
The only drawback to writing for print is that the period between when you write and when you get paid can be months long. For many Wahms, this is just not feasible. Writing for the web, however, can meet their income needs and still allow them to write from home. There are many categories of writing for the web. You can be a ghostwriter for e-books or other Internet media. Many people need copywriters to provide content for their sales letters and websites. You can also offer your services to webmasters who need fresh content for their blog or newsletter. The opportunities are endless.
Blogging is yet another way to make money as a writing home business. Blogs are an ever-growing form of Internet media. Blog writers generally provide their own content. You can make money as a writer from home business by starting your own blog and posting to it daily. If you love to write, you can start several blogs at once and multiply your earnings. If you are an experienced blogger you can make money posting on other people’s posts.
Thank you fro visiting www.kirjoitusvinkki.fi website and reading this Turn your Writing to a Work from Home Business article post.
Do you want to make money selling Amazon Kindle Books? If so, you need to do more than just write an e-book, convert it to the compatible digital text, and list it for sale. These steps allow you to list a book for sale on the Kindle Store, but you want to do more. You want to maximize your earnings with Amazon Kindle Books. So, what do you do?
Write a good e-book. Whether you compose a how-to guide or a novel, make sure your content is good. No one wants to purchase a bad book. Plus, the Amazon Kindle Store enables reviews. If you have a good book, this works to your advantage. On the other hand, a poorly written e-book may get negative reviews. These negative reviews can turnoff other buyers.
Proofread the e-book before uploading to Amazon’s digital text platform. Not only do you need to have a good e-book, but an edited one. When proofreading, take the stance of a reader, not the author. Look at the book from the standpoint of your buyers. Does the storyline make sense? Are your how-to instructions easy to follow? Remember, your goal is to get good reviews on Amazon.com. These positive reviews can increase your earnings.
Write a good product description. After writing and editing an e-book, you make your way to Amazon.com. There, you enter the digital text platform. The first step is to write your product description. This is your one chance to make a good impression. Write a detailed description. For a how-to guide, summarize the topics covered. For a creative novel, take an expert from each chapter or summarize the storyline without giving away too much detail.
Preview your digital text e-book. To sell on the Amazon Kindle Store, e-books are converted into digital text. This is an easy process, as Amazon handles the conversion. With that said, it isn’t always accurate. Preview your document for formatting errors. An e-book should be easy to read on the Amazon Kindle. You subject yourself to bad sales and poor ratings when formatting issues arise, such as run-on paragraphs.
Set a fair selling price. Many new authors make a mistake when selling an e-book in digital text format for the Amazon Kindle. That mistake is too high of a price. Remember that Kindle owners paid over $300 for the device. Although a good price for the technology received, it is a lot of money. Why would an owner pay over $300 and then $20 or more for each book? Don’t undersell yourself, but know that the best selling Amazon Kindle books are in the price range of $5.99 to $12.99.
Drive traffic to your Amazon sales page. Since Amazon.com is a popular website and the only place for Kindle owners to purchase compatible e-books, you will get traffic. Buyers will view your sales page, but that doesn’t mean you can’t lead others there too. Join communities for the Amazon Kindle. Interact with owners. Ask questions, respond to discussions, and start your own. List your book for sale in any buy, sell, or trade sections. Create a link to your Amazon sales pages in your signature, if they are allowed.
As you can see, profiting from an Amazon Kindle book involves more than just writing a book and listing it for sale. There are hundreds of thousands of digital text books available for sale on Amazon.com. To make the most money, make your stand apart from the rest and in a good way.
Are you an article writer or an author who would like to make more money? If so, you need to think outside of the box. Instead of self-publishing and printing a book that may never sell or playing safe with web content writing, take a close look at the Amazon Kindle.
At first glance, the Amazon Kindle looks like a neat device to own. It is an electronic book reader. It is small, lightweight, and easy to use on the go. You may think “this is nice, but I like to write not read.” Unfortunately, many writers make this same mistake. Amazon.com spends a lot of time marketing the Kindle for sale. What they don’t shout from the rooftops is that you can make money self-publishing Kindle books.
The first step in selling Amazon Kindle books is to write an e-book. What is nice about selling on Amazon is that you have a wide range of topics to write on. You can write a book on just about any subject. Do you like to write how-to articles? Compile a group of them and create an e-book. Do you prefer creative writing? If so, let the creatively flow and start writing.
If you are an experienced article writer or author, you already know the importance of proofreading. Before you visit the Amazon website, you need to proofread and edit your e-book. Do it multiple times. Amazon is nice in that it allows buyers to review products, including Kindle books. Unfortunately, this can work against you if your book is riddled with errors. So don’t let it happen. Proofread, edit, and do it again.
Although you can write a new e-book just to sell on Amazon, you can also profit from what you have. Do you sell e-books on your website or third party marketplaces? If so, consider it one more way to make money. Use the Amazon.com website to convert your word document into digital text. You can continue to sell your e-books on your own website too!
If you want to sell Amazon Kindle books, it is very easy. You login to you Amazon account. If new to the website, create a free account. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a collection of links. Click on the link titled “Self-Publish with Us.” On the next page, click on either “Learn More,” or “Get Started.”
The next step is to enter in your product details. This includes title, description, language, author, publishing date, keywords, and so forth. You will be asked for an ISBN number, but it is not required. If you do not have one, skip this step.
The next step is to upload and convert your e-book documents into digital text. Luckily, this is easy with Amazon’s digital text platform. You use the browse button to find the file on your computer. The program is able to convert HTML files, text files, word documents, and Adobe PDF scams.
The final step is to set your selling prices. After doing so, you simply just hit the publish button. As for the selling price, use your best judgment. You are able to set your own selling price, but be very cautious. Amazon pays you a 35% royalty for each sale made. If you set your price too high, you may not make any sales. On the other hand, if you set your price too low, you won’t make a lot of money.
It takes, on average, 12 hours for your Amazon Kindle book to appear on the website for sale. As previously stated, you will be paid 35% in royalty fees for each sale. Amazon’s policy is to pay when your total meets $10. You may not make a sale right away, but don’t let that stop you. While waiting, brainstorm your next Amazon Kindle e-book. By writing and selling multiple books, you can become an established author and develop a fan following.
Thank you for visiting www.kirjoitusvinkki.fi website and reading this How to Write an eBook for Amazon Kindle article post. I hope this was informative and helpful. Please do share this website link with your friends, thanks.
Are you an author or an article writer who is looking to expand your horizons? Do you want to explore other avenues of making money? If so, checkout the Amazon Kindle. By visiting Amazon.com, you will see just how popular this product is and how it has the potential to make you money.
Ebook presentation
Question: What is the Amazon Kindle?
Answer: The Amazon Kindle is an electronic book reader, also known as an e-book reader. Weighing in at just over 10 ounces, this small handled device is a simple, modern, and easy way to read books on the go. Unlike many devices, no computer or cables are needed. Amazon Kindles are equipped with Whispernet technology, allowing readers to purchase and upload compatible books from anywhere.
Question: How do I make money with the Amazon Kindle?
Answer: As an author or article writer, you have the unique opportunity to profit from this popular device with the use of your talent. Amazon allows authors to self-publish their books. This is done in a special electronic e-book format. Kindle owners can purchase your book and download it to their device. Each time this is done, you make money!
Question: Does it cost money to sell Kindle books on Amazon.com?
Answer: No. It is free to list a self-published e-book on Amazon.com. You are, in a way, charged when a sale is made. Amazon.com handles the sale of the book and pays you a preset royalty fee for each sale.
Question: How do I get started?
Answer: The first step in profiting from the sale of Amazon Kindle books is to write them. There are thousands of books available for sale. To increase your chances of sales, browse the selection of titles. Of course, you can write e-books on similar topics, but unique subjects and genres should return the biggest profits.
Once you decide you want to sell an e-Book for Amazon Kindle, you start writing. Whether you want to write a poetry book, a how-to book, fiction, or non-fiction, you can do so!
Question: Is it hard to make money with Amazon Kindle Books?
Answer: It depends. As previously stated, there are thousands of books available for sale and download. Increase your chances of making a profit by creating a catchy cover for your digital book, properly summarizing it, and by setting a fair price. As previously stated, books with unique themes or storylines are likely to do better, as there is less competition.
Question: I wrote a book for Amazon Kindle, now how do I sell it?
Answer: Visit Amazon.com. If you already have an account, log-in. If not, create a free account. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a “Self-Publish with Us,” link at the very bottom. Click on this link and go to the “Get Started,” section on Amazon Kindle. Follow the step-by-step guide. This includes entering in product information, uploading your media, and setting your price.
Question: Is it easy to upload media to Amazon.com?
Answer: Yes. Just follow their step-by-step guide. This allows your e-book to be converted into digital text. It is the platform used to enable electronic reading on the Amazon Kindle device. According to Amazon’s website, it supports HTML, Microsoft Word, plain text, and Adobe PDF formats.
Question: How long the entire process take?
Answer: It depends. You need to take into account the time it takes to write and edit your book. Once this process is done, it only takes a few minutes to start the upload process. Within 12 hours, on average, your Amazon Kindle book should be available on Amazon.com for sale.
Question: How much money can I make?
Answer: It depends. You set your own list price for your Amazon Kindle book. Amazon takes a percentage of your selling price. In fact, they pay you a 35% royalty fee for each sale. How much money you make depends on your list price and how many books you sell.
Thank you for visiting www.kirjoitusvinkki.fi website and reading this Making Money with Amazon Kindle: FAQ article post. I hope this was informative and helpful.
Are you a web content writer who works for hire? If so, have you taken the time to examine e-books? If not, do. Thanks to the popularity of the internet and e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle, writing e-books is becoming a good moneymaking opportunity.
If you have never written an e-book before, you may be nervous about the process. As a web content writer, you specialize in writing articles that are typically about one page in length. On the other hand, an e-book can have 200 pages or more. Yes, when looked at from that point, writing an e-book seems like an overwhelming task. Instead, look at it as writing a series of articles. These articles will later be arranged in order and compiled into one e-book.
So, how can you write an e-book?
1 – Choose a Category
If you are a web content writer, you special in writing helpful and informative articles. This is your expertise, so you should stick with it. If you later want to expand to creative writing, do so. First, stick with what you know best. This will make writing an e-book easier.
As for the category, choose a topic that is interesting to you, such as working from home, parenting, or saving money. Or, choose an issue that is important to Americans, such as how to lessen the impact of global warming, how to make money from home, and so forth.
2 – Create a Title for Your E-Book
If writing a how-to book, this will be very easy. What does your e-book show readers how to do? If it is save money, a good title would be “How to Keep Money in Your Wallet.”
3 – Write Your Introduction
An introduction for an e-book is just like an article introduction. The only difference is the length. Summarize the purpose of your e-book, as well as your reasons for writing it. Instead of squeezing your introduction into one paragraph, use the entire page.
4 – Write Your E-Book
This will be the hard part for most. As previously stated, think of it as a collection of articles. Create an outline first. If you want to show people how to save money, start by outlining the ways one can save money. There is saving money on groceries, eating out, clothes, travel, utilities and so forth. Each of these can be a section or chapter.
Inside each chapter, break down into articles. For example, saving money at the grocery store can have one article that highlights why you should, how it can increase your savings, how you can use coupons, tips for finding coupons, and tips for getting full use out of them. Within minutes, you may have a collection of articles that can be transformed into a 10 page section or chapter.
5 – Write Your Conclusion
Your conclusion should summarize your e-Book and what readers just learned. Restate some of your most helpful and moneysaving tips.
6 – Edit Your e-Book
If you use Microsoft Word, the program will help you capture many grammar and spelling errors. It, however, isn’t 100% full proof. So, proofread and edit your book.
Now that you know how to compose an e-book, you may wonder how to make money from it. The good news is that you have many options. You can create a website and sell your e-book from there, use a third party marketplace, like LuLu.com, or convert your e-book to digital text and sell it as an Amazon Kindle book. To increase your earnings, do all three.
A website is easy and affordable to create. Lulu.com and other third party marketplaces are easy to use. As for the Amazon Kindle, you just need a free account. Upload your Microsoft Word document to the digital text platform and it will automatically convert the file into digital text. This makes it readable for Amazon Kindle users. Your book is then listed for sale at the Amazon Kindle Store.